
The Action Team is on the road again.  This time it is flag sales for Regeneration Society (再生會). It is really touching to see team members come out to support the effort even when some of them need a crutch themselves. 再生會極力推廣復康及健康管理,致力為紅斑狼瘡、硬皮症、痛症及有情緒困擾之人士提供多元化的服務.  Good job Team! 13 Jun 2015

Oxfam Rice Event

The rain did not dampened the spirit when the VL Action Team went out to support the Oxfam rice sales for the left-behind children through better education and resources  event (支持留守兒童獲得教育及生活支援).  Oxfam volunteer worker Brenda led the team and sold more than a 100 packs in a difficult situation.  At the end of the day, everyone had a smile on their face.

Bubble Soccer Fun Day

One cannot imagine what it is like playing soccer while inside a plastic bubble.  “It is really strange and really different from any soccer game you have ever experience” says our organizer.  It is very much like a dressed up Sumo fighter giving it a 100% against each other’s team.  Four teams comprising VL family and friends all screaming and sweating for a fun afternoon event….. and a great way to foster team spirit

Studio City PMS Pre-Test

In conjunction with Siemens (HK) Ltd., VL has started the testing and commissioning of the Macau Studio City Power Management System (PMS).   The PMS is a real-time control and monitoring system for power loading, power quality and energy usage of the electrical systems.  “It is a critical system and thorough testing is required before start up” says the on-site VL commissioning engineer.


VL Cookies Fun Day

Making cookies is both an art and science as we found out on this Saturday morning of 31 January 2015.  It demands accuracy and tender care!  Thanks to our Cookie Master (SKLau), we found the secret recipes to bake the most delicious, soft and for some (who modified the recipes)  crunchy cookies.


In the process, we discover leadership and foster team spirit.  And the winner goes to the team lead by (RChoi) with the most creative decoration.