KCRC West Rail – CMS for UPS of Signals & Communication Systems
Hong Kong
The KCRC West Rail Signals and Communication Systems are vital part of the rail operation and passenger safety. Therefore, it is necessary to install UPS and closely monitored and controlled these UPS remotely from the West Rail Operation Control Centre (WROCC) via a Central Monitoring & Control System. The heart of the CMCS is the Station Monitoring Units (SMU) that is based on Siemens S7-300 PLC located at each of the nine (9) KCRC West Rail Stations and ancillary buildings. Extending from each of the SMU there are more than 70 remote S7-200 for each UPS along the trackside. Local display is by way of Simatic Operator Touch Panel.
VL’s responsibility on the CMS included system design, configuration integration, test and commissioning. VL is a subcontractor to the UPS vendor supply to KCRC.

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